Sunday 7 July 2013

Gull Lake, Saskatchewan

Day 5, July 7, 2013, 812km


Last night while being tied up between two large trees with my hammock I had a freaky thunder storm with light show and some real heavy downpours that did make me wonder what if one of these trees did get hit what would happen to me. Luckily nothing happened but I did keep an eye out for any weird shit because you never know on the prairie. Everything stayed dry under the tarp and this morning the sun is out, so back to riding.

Had I stayed on the road for another 50km I would have made it to a rest stop and another just 25km further, so what’s up with this, two in all of Manitoba and both beside each other, go figure.

I thought Manitoba was bad with rest spots but then Saskatchewan has that beat hands down, they have these way off the road spots and you can stay there for a fee, I did stop to look at a few and some you would have had to pay me to stay there, finally fond one after riding until it was dark in Gull Lake, it is run by the city and for only $10, very clean and used by a lot of bikers.

Not much to see out here, just battling strong head winds all day, and that's not very good for the gas mileage, so the reporting on the budget will have to be done some other way, because when you ride some long distances the gas used will throw things off. The budget is for 250 km per day or about $18 worth of gas and the rest $32 for food and lodging, most likely I will do a quarterly (50 days) update or so.

The one nice thing about riding on the prairie is you can see what kind of weather is coming so you can wait for it to pass by, or gun for it and hope you pass.

Next stop Lethbridge, Alberta and a stay with inmate albertabob.


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