Friday 16 August 2013

Area 51, Extraterrestrial Hwy 375

Day 45, Aug 16, 2013, 603km

Yesterday after lunch I looked at the weather map and the heat is just insane to the south, so west to California here I come for some cooler temps. Will be heading towards the Sequoia National Park.

Was able to make it to a Camping in Caliente, NV last night and have decided for today that area 51 would need to be unravelled by yours truly.

Hwy 375 or better know as the Extraterrestrial Highway goes through area 51 and I figure if there are any Aliens out there I for sure will find one. And guess what I fond one, luckily he was occupied with something else so he left me alone as I took a picture, but I swear he looked upset after, so I took off like the wind. Now don't be shocked because this guy is huge and all I can say is that we are royally screwed if more come.

Hwy 375 is 160 Miles long with nothing ells than desert except for halfway down is the Little AleInn that was made famous for being in some alien movie. Don't know which one but if you recognize it let me know.
Fond this on Wikipedia:

It is featured in The X-Files season six episode "Dreamland II", in Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends season one episode 2 - "UFO's" and in the film Paul.[3]

While having breakfast at the Little AleInn two hippies come in Tom and Caroline from Nevada riding an 1978 HD FXS Low Rider 93CID with over 1 million miles on it according to Tom, he has had it from new and he has rebuilt it more times than he can remember. These guys have been everywhere on that thing. No picture allowed of them but the bike was OK, a bit later down the road I was going 75MPH and they passed me going at least 100, hippies ya gotta love em.

Ended up today at State Campground Lower Lee Vining just before the Yosemite National Park, tomorrow morning will check that out before continuing to the Sequoia N.P.


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